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Japanese the right way

Study online from shows and anime, books, our courses and more — so you can have real conversations faster

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  • Sync progress between Android, iOS, and Web

  • Make subtitles interactive

  • Compatible with Anki

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“Migaku has helped expand my Japanese vocabulary knowledge from about 2,000 to 5,000 in just 3 months.”

Everything you need to learn a language

The ultimate grammar course

From casual chats to formal meetings, conquer 380+ essential grammar patterns.

  • Bite-sized lessons for easy learning (including hiragana, katakana, and pronunciation)

  • Master the vocabulary that unlocks 80% of media content

  • Start with everyday Japanese and build towards nuanced levels of politeness

  • We ditch the “polite-first” approach, making your learning journey smoother

Grasp the fundamentals with up to 400 lessons and associated flashcards

Binge-watch your way to fluency!

Click any word for instant translations, pronunciations, and more.

  • Migaku helps you build a personalized vocabulary based on your interests

  • From beginner to JLPT master, learn the words YOU need to succeed

00:36 - 00:39

00:39 - 00:41

00:41 - 00:43

00:43 - 00:46

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Turn your favorite anime and J-dramas into personalized flashcards with a single click!

  • Each card includes the word in context, audio, a screenshot, definition, AI-powered explanation, and more!

  • Review your flashcards on your phone or computer, anytime, anywhere

  • Our smart system helps you remember by reviewing right before you forget

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Turn pictures into lessons

Snap a photo, learn Japanese!

  • From manga to street signs, turn your surroundings into learning opportunities

  • No limits on what you can learn. Try it with screenshots from your Kindle app! ✨

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Learn more about mastering Japanese

Spending a lot of time trying to memorize words and grammar points is usually a waste of time for beginners. That information isn't actually useful unless you're able to process and retain it. 

To make a metaphor, you're better off filling a cup with a faucet, rather than a fire hydrant: having tons of water is only helpful if your container can contain that water.

We suggest that beginners focus on quantity, simply getting a rough idea of what something means and then moving on,  trusting that you'll flesh out your understanding of the finer nuances to these words and grammar points by immersing in native material and seeing how native speakers actually use them. 

Consuming a lot of content in Japanese (or any other language) will enable you to build a mental database of how words are used in context. This exposure will provide the foundation you need to eventually get value from revisiting detailed grammar explanations or comparing similar grammar points.

I learned fluent Japanese by IGNORING the details

Migaku is a powerful chrome extension designed to enable you to learn languages by using them — by consuming content you love.

... but it can be frustrating to consume content when you have a very low level. Textbooks are often an equally frustrating experience: they provide what somebody else thinks you need to know, which may not align with what you actually need to know to do the things you want to do. 

This problem in mind, we've created two Japanese courses to ease learners into their immersion learning:

1. Japanese Fundamentals — This course introduces everything you need to know to read hiragana and katakana, to pronounce Japanese well, and some similar basics

2. Japanese Academy — This course introduces ~1,800 vocabulary words and ~400 grammar points. Each sentence only introduces one piece of information at a time (whether a vocab word or grammar point) audio from a native speaker.

After finishing the first level of the Japanese Academy course you'll be ready to begin learning Japanese by consuming real Japanese content and making your own flashcards. In the future, we hope to add a few more Japanese Academy levels that cover everything you need to know to pass the JLPT N1.

We spent 10,000 hours to make the perfect Japanese course

Ready to get fluent?

Start your language learning journey today.

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