Is learning grammar necessary to learn a language effectively? [The Migaku Bible: Method]
Wondering how to learn a new language effectively? To be brief: we must not only consume content in the language we're learning if we want to make progress, but also understand that content. To this extent, at Migaku we believe that it's essential to build a foundational understanding of your target language's grammar. Whereas "immersion" approaches to learning languages often advise learners not to do any active study at all—that you should acquire grammar naturally, as a byproduct of spending a lot of time in another language—we think there's a happy medium to be found. Building a strong foundation in grammar and high-frequency vocabulary at the beginning of your language learning journey enables you to begin consuming interesting content more quickly than is possible with pure-immersion approaches, and also enables you to understand more of the content you're consuming. For this reason, we refer to Migaku as an "input-based approach" to learning. Subscribe for more proven tips on how to learn a new language effectively!