Japanese Specific Features | Migaku Browser Extension
Migaku's Chrome extension has some settings that are specifically designed to support people learning Japanese. You may adjust Migaku's language-specific settings by clicking on the Migaku icon located to the right of the URL bar. Furigana settings: 1. None β readings will never be displayed above kanji 2. All words β readings will be displayed above every kanji 3. Unknown β readings will be displayed only above unknown words 4. On hover β readings will be hidden unless a word is moused over Pitch coloring: 1. None β words will not be color coded according to their pitch accent 2. On hover β words will display black by default, but will change to the color associated with their pitch pattern when moused over 3. Always β every word will be color coded according to its pitch accent Note that these settings will only display if your target language is set to Japanese.