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The Pop-up Dictionary | Migaku Browser Extension

For a long time, part of the "core loop" of language learning has been consuming content, stumbling into an unknown word, pausing your content or putting it down, looking your unknown word up in a dictionary, then going back to your content. This takes a lot of time and negatively impacts your ability to enjoy content. Migaku fixes this issue by making lookups instantaneous. Here's how that works: 1. Click the Migaku icon (next to your URL bar) 2. Click "Enable for this website" — Migaku will remember which websites you have greenlisted 3. Migaku parses the website 4. Click on a word, or hover over it and press "shift" 5. You'll now see a dictionary definition, example sentences, explanations from chatGPT, and more! (Steps 1–3 only need to be done once per website)