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Discover the Migaku Japanese Learning Discord: Join 10,000+ Language Learners Today!

Last updated: November 11, 2024

A screenshot of the welcome page of Migaku's discord channel.

Are you looking for a vibrant, supportive community to help you master Japanese? Look no further than the Migaku Discord!

With 9,827 members as of date, Migaku’s Discord server is the ultimate space for language learners seeking to improve their Japanese skills.

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Join Migaku's Discord

How to join the Migaku Discord

Getting started with the Migaku Discord is easy!

Here’s how to dive in and start improving your Japanese today:

  1. Create a Discord Account: If you don’t already have one, click that link to sign up for Discord and download their app.
  2. Join the Migaku Discord Server: Once you’re on Discord, follow this link or click the button at the bottom of this blog post to join Migaku's Discord.
  3. Set your roles: When you first enter Migaku's Discord, you'll be prompted to click a few emojis. These emojis tell the server which languages you're studying and will open relevant channels for you. If you're not prompted, that page is here.
  4. Introduce Yourself: Head over to the introductions channel to say hi to the community and share about your journey learning Japanese so far.
  5. Start Participating: Discord is a free for all! You can follow all of the conversations in every channel or mute everything except for the few things you're interested in.

Why join the Migaku Discord?

Learning Japanese can be challenging, but being part of a dedicated, friendly community makes the journey easier.

On the off chance that you're seeing this page but have no idea what Discord is—it's basically a modern take on a forum or chat room. Anybody can create their own server, and each server has a variety of different pages (called "channels") where specific topics are discussed.

Now that you're up to speed, here's how joining the Migaku Japanese learning Discord will accelerate your language journey:

1. You'll connect with over 10,000 like-minded language learners

In the Migaku Discord, you’ll be (literally) surrounded by thousands of fellow Japanese learners and native speakers of various languages.

Whether you're a beginner struggling with the hiragana, katakana and kanji, or a more advanced learner focusing on JLPT preparation, you can find people to study with, ask questions, and share your progress. (And you'll be making progress, trust us.)

2. You'll conquer eight channels dedicated to different aspects of Japanese

There are many places to discuss learning Japanese on the internet, such as Reddit's r/LearnJapanese or WaniKani's forums. What separates Discord from these bulletin-board style communities is that, here, discussions are cleanly organized into specific topical channels.

In the Migaku Discord, you'll find eight Japanese-specific channels:

  • Japanese Chat — A general channel for talking about anything that's related to Japanese.
  • Japanese Resources — A bulletin board where learners share the cool resources they find, including everything from individual product recs to this massive list of beginner-friendly Japanese YouTube channels.
  • Japanese Resources Discussion — The above is just a bulletin board for sharing/listing resources. Here's the place to actually talk about those things.
  • Japanese Media Recommendations — A channel dedicated to talking about anime, J-dramas, books, and whatever content you've been consuming lately.
  • Japanese Music — (I hereby take this opportunity to shamelessly plug Unlimited Tone, my favorite Japanese band. I dare you to watch that and not smile.)
  • Japanese Games — This channel goes hard. You'll find recommendations of games to learn Japanese with, discussions of how to get tools like OCR to work with video games, and things like this tier list of the top 100 games for learning Japanese.
  • Japanese Quiz — A Discord bot that can look up words for you, and be used to quiz yourself on your kanji and vocab knowledge.
  • 日本語 — That's Japanese for Japanese. If you speak a language other than Japanese in this channel, Doraemon may throw a pokéball at you.

3. You can ask questions about Migaku and input-based language learning

Migaku is the best app out there if your goal is to get good at understanding real Japanese content, rather than getting good at answering multiple-choice questions.

Try Migaku for free

I'm biased, though.

If you'd like to hear what real people who don't like spending money on dumb language learning products say about Migaku, Discord is where you can do that:

  • The Migaku Chat channel is where you can ask if Migaku is really any good and ask general questions about language learning.
  • The Questions channel is a bulletin board where you can ask for help setting Migaku up, get input on things like learning multiple language at once, and troubleshoot more technical questions like adjusting the timing of YouTube's subtitles. (This channel is huge, so if you're embarrassed to ask a question, you can search the backlog instead. There's a good chance that somebody has already asked your question.)

4. You can find accountability buddies, fun facts, and memes

Learning Japanese will be a long journey, and up above we listed several serious channels where you can ask your serious questions.

But, sometimes, you just need to inform the world that Japanese has a word—へのへのもへじ—for an emoji face made of hiragana characters. (Please click that link.)

For days like that, we have channels like this:

  • Today-I-Learned — A place to share interesting things you learned today, such as the aforementioned へのへのもへじ.
  • Study Journals — Track your learning progress, find accountability buddies, and see how others are tackling Japanese.
  • Feedback and Ideas — Have an idea that would make Migaku better? Let us know!
  • Voice channels — For when text just won't do, you want to get in a bit of speaking practice, or you want to eavesdrop on a conversation to practice your listening comprehension.

5. You can talk about things other than languages with language learners

Life is better when you find your tribe. We offer several off topic channels where you can talk about things not related to language learning. Share what food you've been eating, talk about your gains in the gym, and—most importantly—vote on which stickers we'll make available in the server.

6. You can keep up with Migaku's updates

We make posts roughly once a week showing what we've been working on. This is also where we'll tease and/or announce new features, and the first place we'll look to when hiring for new positions.

7. You can find which language you should study next

Migaku was originally designed to be the best Japanese learning software on the market, but in recent years we've expanded our horizons.

Since Migaku now supports nearly ten languages, we also have dedicated servers for languages other than Japanese, including:

  • Cantonese
  • Chinese (Mandarin)
  • Korean
  • French
  • German
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
  • English

(I know that you Googled Japanese learning Discords, but I also know that people who are learning one language tend to plan to learn three or four other languages. Just know that if Korean or Mandarin Chinese is in your future, you can do that here, too.)


The point

If you're looking for a place to talk about anything and everything related to learning Japanese, you should click the big button that says "JOIN" right below this paragraph.